↓ Protest Big Tech Censorship ↓
FUCKGOOGLE.CO.UK welcome to. Please Visit & support UNcensored large Social networks such as Gab.com 🐸 |
Fucking, Tarsdorf, Austria
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Google are the true evil & pirates of the internet. They preach tolerance but practice dominance. They are the true thieves and criminals of the internet on a massive scale Infowars.com there's a war on for your mind.
↓ Protest Big Tech BELOW ↓
Google Take what they want from innocent people, and destroy any fuck that gets in their way
Google © destroying world economies and pretending to give a fuck about poverty since 1998
Google © destroying world economies and pretending to give a fuck about poverty since 1998
↓ FreeSpeech Help ↓
Bitchute.com ← Freespeech Youtube alternative ←
Dissenter.com ← over-ride comment bans ←
arweave.org ← The permaweb impossible to delete Freespeech ←
Dissenter.com ← over-ride comment bans ←
arweave.org ← The permaweb impossible to delete Freespeech ←
FUCKGOOGLE.CO.UK chat ... Visit our above link sources its a great way to protest big tech
2008™ all rights reserved & fucked
2008™ all rights reserved & fucked